The BHTC Process

Making hair restoration simple, efficient, and convenient.

The Consult

The Consult

The NO CHARGE consult is offered via phone, text, skype, or in person. We discuss your medical history, treatment options, and candidacy for transplant. Once the personal protocal is developed, donor site and transplant sites are mapped for ideal results.


Personal Hair Concierge

The Team will assistant throughout your transformation. She will discuss your payment options, scheduling, procedure, and follow-up appointments. She is always available for any and all questions.

Your Hair Concierge

The Transplant

The Transplant

The day starts at 7am and ends at 5pm. The first half of the day is dedicated to harvesting the grafts. A break for lunch, with food of your choice. And by late afternoon, your hair is implanted. Upon completion, expect an exit evaluation, with appropriate medications and 48 hour aftercare instructions.

The Follow Up

  • Day#3 Appointment, Bandaiges are removed, and 1 week aftercare instructions are given. Expect minor pain for first 24 hours. greatest swelling occurs between days 3-5.
  • Day#7 Appointment,  Indirect hair cleansing without contact. Inflammatory healing process occurs, with expected itchiness. Donor site hair has grown in, NO SIGNS OF SCARS!
  • Day#30 Appointment, discuss routine haircare management and products. Preparing for shock loss. 
  • Month #3, #6, #12 Appointments, routine care instructions, discuss medications, and process of regrowth.

The Follow Up